Ironman Weymouth

Typical slot allocation and average qualification times at Ironman Weymouth.

  • View average qualifying times based on previous slot allocations at this race. Defaults to most recent slot allocation.
  • Times for each place are averaged from the ten most recent races excluding those where signifcant course changes affected results.
  • Final qualifying time is the averge time for the last place in that age group that would automatically be entitled to a slot.
Qualification Review
Personalised analytics and guidance for your World Championship qualification journey.
Ironman Coaching
Bespoke triathlon coaching packages and individual training plans.
Training Camps
Triathlon training camps based in Lanzarote.
2016 Slot Allocation: 30 Slots for 2017
DivisionSlots1st PlaceFinal Qualifier5th Place10th Place15th Place20th Place