Latest statistics for Ironman UK

Ironman is not a cheap sport. I was reminded of this when I started organising my August trip to Mont-Tremblant. As I researched flights, accommodation, car hire and other expenses the cost rapidly added up. I wasn’t surprised, I’d entered expecting an expensive race, but had planned to make it a vacation. Circumstances have changed, holidaying alone no longer appeals. Instead of a fortnight in Canada I considered a quick in-and-out – a five day trip did nothing to reduce the significant price of flights, there was no avoiding the cost. While I could afford to go, I no longer wanted to spend that amount on one event, exciting as it might be.

Ironman Budgeting - the high cost of racing

So I’m swapping Canada for the North of England and Ireland, withdrawing from Mont-Tremblant and instead entering Ironman UK and Galway 70.3. Perhaps not as exciting as Mont-Tremblant, I’ve raced Bolton before, but Galway will be new and considering the number of Irish athletes I coach I should visit the island. Already entered into Wimbleball and Ironman Wales meant I was eligible for the Ultimate Ironman Endurance Test providing a significant discount on race entry. Two Ironmans and two 70.3s isn’t a problem, but I need to handle three – a fortnight before Ironman UK is Challenge Roth. That’s new territory; it was hard enough when I raced them three weeks apart, now I’ve tightened the gap. I like a challenge.

I’m disappointed to be losing Mont-Tremblant from the season, but it simply didn’t fit. The new plan works, budget and travel have been approved and I still have a season filled with racing. Better get training.

Latest statistics for Ironman UK
