Swim Sessions
Weekly Swim Sets: Tuesday, 16th May 2017
Last week’s triathlon swim plans with a long endurance set and a session pushing threshold
Weekly Swim Sets: Wednesday, 10th May 2017
Last weeks pair of triathlon swim plans with work on finishing the stroke, threshold pacing and some speed.
Weekly Swim Sets: Wednesday, 3rd May 2017
Last week’s pair of triathlon swim sessions – pool based open water practice and a long pull set.
Weekly Swim Sets: Wednesday, 19th April 2017
A single triathlon swim session last week with continued work on the catch and a strong threshold set
Weekly Swim Sets: Tuesday, 11th April 2017
Last week’s triathlon swim plans, more catch work, some heavy endurance work and a tiny amount of sprinting.
Weekly Swim Sets: Wednesday, 5th April 2017
Last week’s triathlon swim plans with open water practice ready for the start of the season.
Weekly Swim Sets: Tuesday, 28th March 2017
Last week’s pair of triathlon swim plans with continued work on catch and balance, plus varied pacing through the main sets
Weekly Swim Sets: Tuesday, 21st March 2017
Last week’s pair of triathlon swim plans – a mix of catch and recovery drills with endurance and threshold work
Weekly Swim Sets: Friday, 3rd March 2017
This week’s pair of triathlon swim plans – more catch development with a new drill and more endurance work
Weekly Swim Sets: Tuesday, 28th February 2017
This week’s pair of triathlon swim plans – more work on the catch and a lot of shorter efforts.