Weekly Swim Sets: October 10th, 2013

This week's pair of coached swim sessions - some endurance work, a mix of paces and plenty of technique.

Back to just two coached swim sessions this week.

Tuesday, 8th October 2013 – Mixed Pace Session

Swim Set - Tuesday 8th October 2013

Tuesday, 8th October 2013 – Mixed Pace Session
Warm Up
3x 50m Front crawl on 10s rest
1: pull
2: breathing every 3 strokes
3: easy
3x 50m Front crawl on 15s rest
1: pull
2: breathing every 5 strokes
3: steady
3x 50m Front crawl on 20s rest
1: pull
2: breathing every 7 strokes
3: hard
3x 50m Front crawl on 25s rest
1: pull
2: breathing every 9 (3 for slower swimmers) strokes
3: best effort
Main Set
300m Front crawl pull on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – last 50m hard on 20s rest
200m Front crawl pull on 20s rest
200m Front crawl – last 50m hard on 20s rest
200m Front crawl pull on 20s rest
200m Front crawl – last 100m hard on 20s rest
100m Front crawl pull on 20s rest
300m Front crawl – last 100m hard on 20s rest
Bonus Set
400m Front crawl – last 100m hard on 20s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice

People were coming to expect a 400 to start so I decided to break up the warm up this week. Admittedly my presentation on the board wasn’t the best it could have been! Something a little simpler in structure next time I think.

Thursday, 10th October 2013 – Endurance Session

Swim Set - Thursday 10th October 2013

Thursday, 10th October 2013 – Endurance Session
Warm Up
300m Front crawl
2x 50m as 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m as 25m front scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
300m Front crawl
2x 50m as 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m as 25m front scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
Main Set
5x 300m Front crawl – steady on 30s rest
2x 100m front crawl – paddles and pull on 15s rest
Bonus Set
50m Fly on 15s rest
100m Medley on 15s rest
50m Backstroke on 15s rest
100m Medley on 15s rest
50m Breaststroke on 15s rest
100m Medley on 15s rest
50m Front crawl on 15s rest
100m Medley on 15s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice

Another variation on my usual warm ups, otherwise a fairly typical Thursday set. Nobody had paddles with them (and I’ve yet to find my spares since moving house) so the main set 100s were a mix of pull work and some swimmer specific technique work.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
