Weekly Swim Set: Thursday, 2nd January 2014

The first coached swim session of the New Year with a simple endurance ladder for the main set.

After a fortnight off and a very late night (early morning) over New Year’s I really didn’t relish the 5am start for swim coaching this morning. Not least because there was always a question over whether any swimmers would turn up. Fortunately one did, so an extra hour in bed wasn’t sacrificed in vain.

Thursday, 2nd January 2014 – Endurance Session

Swim Session - Thursday, 2nd January 2014

Thursday, 2nd January 2014 – Endurance Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl – easy
2x 50m as 25m front scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m as 25m mid scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m as 25m rear scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m as 25m progressive scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 100m Front crawl – building on 25s rest
Main Set
2x 50m Front crawl
50m, 100m front crawl
50m, 100m, 150m front crawl
50m, 100m, 150m, 200m front crawl
Rest periods: 50m on 15s, 100m on 25s, 150m on 35s and 200m on 45s
Bonus Set
4x 200m Front crawl – pull on 30s rest
50m fly/backstroke/breaststroke on 15s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice

As is often the case when I’m working with just one or two swimmers the actual session loosely followed this plan. Drills were substituted for a focus on high elbows at the start of the catch and we only went with one rep of the main set plus the bonus set. I also managed to repeat my mistake of setting a pull buoy set that leaves pull buoys at the other end of the 50m pool (I carried the pool buoy back and forth again); if swimming solo in a 50m pool swap the 50m fly/back/breast for 100m and it’ll work fine.

Finally, a new experiment for the New Year: using tumblr to aggregate the swim session pictures.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
