Weekly Swim Set: Thursday, 23rd January 2014

This week's pair of endurance focussed coached swim sets.

This week’s pair of swim sessions, only one of which was actually coached as there was zero turn out for this morning’s session (I was still up at 5am and at the pool side – the swimmers let me down).

Tuesday, 21st January 2014 – Endurance Session

Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - Endurance Session

Tuesday, 21st January 2014 – Endurance Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl – easy
2x 50m As 25m straight arm recovery, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
2x 50m As 25m finger drag, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
2x 100m Front crawl – building on 25s rest
Main Set
2/3/4x 300m Front crawl – steady on 45s rest
200m front crawl – pull on 30s rest
100m front crawl – building on 15s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice

Another straight forward session opening with a couple of drills for stroke recovery before moving to a primarily steady main set. As usual with the huge range of swim speeds at the two Tuesday sessions there’s a choice in how many reps of the main set you do.

Thursday, 23rd January 2014 – Endurance Session

Thursday, 23rd January 2014 - Endurance Session

Thursday, 23rd January 2014 – Endurance Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl – easy
2x 50m Front crawl kick – last 10m hard on 15s rest
200m Front crawl – steady
2x 50m Front crawl kick – last 10m hard on 15s rest
100m Front crawl – building
2x 50m Front crawl kick – last 10m hard on 15s rest
Main Set
3x 2x 50m Front crawl – easy, focus on technique on 15s rest
2x 200m front crawl – steady, last 25m hard on 30s rest
2x 50m Front crawl – easy, focus on technique on 15s rest
1x 400m front crawl – steady, last 50m hard on 30s rest
Bonus Set
6x 50m Choice stroke – not front crawl on 10s rest
100m front crawl – building on 20s rest
Cool Down
100m Choice

The uncoached set. Again quite simple – the main set consists of short 50s to focus on technique, followed by steady efforts with a brief lift in pace to finish. The intent was to set up the quality of the stroke in the 50s and hold through the 200s including that lift in speed. Maybe it’ll get some love on the internet.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
