Ironman Austria 2014: Results and Analysis
By virtue of being first alphabetically Ironman Austria is also the first of the weekend’s races to be analysed. It’s going to be quick as I’ll be posting all 3 race analyses this morning. Also Austria looks to have been on par for the course with times falling close to the averages. That doesn’t leave me much more to say.
For the most part the median splits across the age groups are consistent with racing in Austria. There are a few exceptions: M18-24 was faster than average this year, but F18-24, F55-59 and F60-64 were much slower (they’re all small and variable age group). The female pro field took a big step forward too with much faster bike and run splits. For the bulk of the age groups though it appears to be business as usual.
Which the distributions naturally confirm. Variations are present, but over the entire competitive field the differences are small and the impact isn’t particularly significant.
Even the top twenty performances don’t show a huge variation form the norm. Times for both the men’s and women’s fields were trending a little faster than average, but not to that large an extent; certainly not the fastest day that’s been seen in Klagenfurt. The M45-49 age group being the only notable exception where the top 3 finishers also posted the fastest times seen in that age group.
That’s it for my Austria analysis. A very typical year of racing in Klagenfurt, meaning fast times in general and a lot of competition for the Kona slots on offer. You can view a spreadsheet of the full results and splits from Ironman Austria 2014 on my Google Drive.