Weekly Swim Sets: Thursday, 12th February 2015

This week's collection of triathlon swim session plans

Hopefully you know what to expect now: three new triathlon focussed swim sessions. There’s work on stroke length and the catch and a volume heavy set to finish the week.

Tuesday, 10th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 10th February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 10th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
300m Front crawl
50m Front crawl – count strokes
100m Front crawl – easy
3x 50m Front crawl – reduce stroke count on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – building
4x 25m Front crawl – hard, fast turn over on 20s rest
Main Set
4x 100m Front crawl
1-3: Easy on 20s rest
4: Hard on 30s rest
200m Front crawl – pull on 40s rest
4x 100m Front crawl
1-2: Easy on 20s rest
3-4: Hard on 30s rest
200m Front crawl – pull on 40s rest
4x 100m Front crawl
1: Easy on 20s rest
2-4: Hard on 30s rest
Cool Down
2x 50m Front crawl – easy, long strokes on 20s rest
200m Choice (mix strokes)

Whenever I get swimmers to count strokes I always emphasise that I don’t want to see them gliding to reduce their stroke count. I want the swimmers to focus on their stroke and really work the water to gain that extra distance. I’m not expecting huge changes, it’s that focus I want. I’ll still get some big push offs and glides so I often follow stroke counting with some high arm turn over sprints.

Wednesday, 11th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 11th February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 11th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
200m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m fist drill, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m fist drill, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – building on 20s rest
Main Set
4-5x 200m Front crawl – pull on 10s rest
100m As 50m fist drill, 50m front crawl – hard on 45s rest
2,100m – 2,400m
8x 25m Alternating:
Odds: Doggy paddle on 5s rest
Evens: Front crawl – hard on 20s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice
2,300m – 2,700m

Back to working on the catch. I carried the technique work – fist drill in this case – through into the main set. I wanted to create a strong contrast between swimming with fists and swimming with open hands so fist drill is followed by a hard effort.

Thursday, 12th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 12th February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 12th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m finger drag, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 15s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – 25m easy, 25m hard on 20s rest
Main Set
4x 50m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 15s rest
4x 100m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 20s rest
4x 150m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 25s rest
4x 200m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 30s rest
3x 150m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 30s rest
100m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 25s rest
50m Front crawl – consistent pacing on 20s rest
Cool Down
200m Choice (not front crawl)

This session was all about the distance really. The main set is long and rest periods are relatively short meaning swimmers get through a lot of length during the 60-90 minutes they’re in the pool. The breaks also allow me to throw in a few stroke pointers as they go.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
