Weekly Swim Sets: Friday, 16th October 2015

This week's pair of triathlon swim session plans - a pyramid set and some progressive 100s

This week’s pair of triathlon swim session plans stick with simple off season sets: a pyramid on Wednesday and some blocks of 100s on Thursday.

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
300m Front crawl
2x 100m As 50m 6-1-6 drill, 50m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 100m As 50m 6-3-6 drill, 50m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – building on 10s rest
Main Set
100m Front crawl on 20s rest
200m Front crawl on 30s rest
300m Front crawl on 40s rest
400m Front crawl on 50s rest
300m Front craw on 30s rest
200m Front crawl on 20s rest
100m Front crawl
Cool Down
100m Choice (mix strokes)
100m Front crawl

It doesn’t get much simpler than a consistent paced pyramid. To warm up there were a few drills for body position and rotation, after that it’s all about getting in the metres at a steady intensity.

Thursday, 15th October 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 15th October 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 15th October 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
300m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – fist drill – on 5s rest
50m Front crawl on 5s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – 25m easy, 25m hard on 10s rest
Main Set
5x 100m Front crawl on 20s rest
300m Front crawl – steady on 30s rest
5x 100m Front crawl on 30s rest
300m Front crawl – steady on 30s rest
5x 100m Front crawl on 40s rest
Increase pace for each block of 100s
Main Set 2
2x 50m Backstroke on 10s rest
2x 50m Backstroke – single arm drill, swap at 25m – on 10s rest
2x 50m Backstroke – catch up – on 10s rest
2x 50m Backstroke on 10s rest
Cool Down
100m Choice

Simple training doesn’t have to be easy. Thursday’s main set used 100s with each block of 5 being a little harder than the last and with more rest. It helps keep the swimmers focussed, but they do need to ensure they don’t start the set too hard. We finished with more work on backstroke.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
