Weekly Swim Sets: Thursday, 4th September 2014

Another week's swim sessions coached for the local triathlon club

Back to two swim sessions this week (and two early starts unfortunately) both continuing the recent themes for their respective days. It’s nearing the end of season now, so from mid-September – after Ironman Wales – I’ll be putting more focus on technique work and taking the pressure off times (a little).

Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 – Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 - Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – kick on 10s rest
200m Front crawl – pull
2x 50m Front crawl – building on 10s rest
Main Set
2-3x 5x 100m Front crawl on 2:00* turn around
2x 25m front crawl – hard! on 1:00 turn around
* Turn around time should allow roughly 10s rest
1,900m – 2,450m
Cool Down
100m Front crawl – easy
2x 50m Front crawl – kick on 10s rest
2x 50m Backstroke on 10s rest
100m Front crawl – easy
2,300m – 2,850m

More swimming to turn around times. This week mixing in some short sprint efforts at the end of each block.

Thursday, 4th September 2014 – Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 4th September 2014 - Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 4th September 2014 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m Doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – kick on 10s rest
4x 50m Front crawl – descending on 15s rest
Main Set
3-6x 400m Front crawl – effort above steady on 60s rest
2,100m – 3,300m
Main Set 2
8x 50m Front crawl – building on 30s rest
2,500m – 3,700m
Cool Down
100m Front crawl – easy
200m Choice
2,800m – 4,000m

Lengthening out the reps to 400m today, but keeping the pacing above a steady, comfortable effort that can easily be fallen into on these long sets. There was good consistency in this session despite both lanes pushing themselves hard.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
