Weekly Swim Sets: Thursday, 16th October 2014

This week's set of triathlon swim plans - a mix of drills and endurance work

Here’s this week’s pair of triathlon swim sessions, coached for my local club.

Tuesday, 14th October 2014 – Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 14th October 2014 - Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 14th October 2014 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl
– streamline off wall, 2 strokes then breathe
2x 50m As 25m front scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m As 25m mid scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
2x 50m As 25m rear scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl – easy
2x 50m Front crawl – building on 15s rest
Main Set
4-5x 300m Front crawl on 40s rest
– streamline, 2 strokes then breathe
50m front crawl – hard on 30s rest
2,300m – 2,650m
Cool Down
2x 50m As 25m front scull, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl – easy
2,500m – 2,850m

A lot of work on sculling to help develop feel for the water and a sense of arm positioning throughout the stroke. Also a little bit of work to tidy up turns with a clean, streamlined push off the wall and then taking a couple of strokes before the first breathe to better maintain that streamlined state.

Thursday, 16th October 2014 – Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 16th October 2014 - Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 16th October 2014 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
300m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m doggy paddle, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m fist drill, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – building on 15s rest
Main Set
2-3x 600m Front crawl – steady on 60s rest
300m Front crawl – building on 40s rest
2,600m – 3,500m
Cool Down
2x 50m As 25m fist drill, 25m front crawl on 10s rest
100m Choice
2,800m – 3,700m

A lot of my regular Thursday swimmers need to work on their catch, so doggy paddle is pretty much guaranteed most weeks now. Other than that it’s a long and mostly steady set for today.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
