Weekly Swim Sets: Thursday, 5th February 2015

This week's three triathlon swim plans - some work on body position, rotation, catch and lots of pull buoy

Another week, another batch of triathlon swim sessions. Three more sets with a mix of drills, some strength oriented pull work and a few higher pace moments.

Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
200m Front crawl
2x 50m 6-1-6 Drill on 20s rest
50m Front crawl
2x 50m 6-3-6 Drill on 20s rest
50m Front crawl
2x 50m Unco Drill on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – easy
4x 50m Front crawl- building on 20s rest
Main Set
3x 100m Front crawl – descending on 30s rest
2x 400m Front crawl – pull on 45s rest
3x 100m Front crawl – descending on 30s rest
Extra Set
6x 50m Front crawl – easy, last 15m hard on 30s rest
Cool Down
2x 50m 6-3-6 Drill on 20s rest
100m Choice
2,500m – 2,800m

Tuesday’s opening focus was body position and rotation using a progression of drills from 6-1-6 through to the more challenging Unco. The main set sandwiched some steady pull work between a simple descending set (each rep faster than the last).

Wednesday, 4th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 4th February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Wednesday, 4th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
400m Front crawl
2x 50m Front crawl – kick on 15s rest
4x 50m Front crawl – building on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – easy
4x 25m Front crawl – hard on 20s rest
Main Set
400m Front crawl – pull on 60s rest
4x 50m Front crawl – building on 20s rest
400m Front crawl – pull on 60s rest
4x 25m Front crawl – hard on 20s rest
400m Front crawl – pull on 60s rest
4x 50m Front crawl – building on 20s rest
Cool Down
2x 50m Front crawl – kick on 20s rest
100m Choice

A get in and swim set for Wednesday. We’ve done plenty of drill work over the last month so I wanted to break things up and give the group a session where they just get on with swimming. It’s not an excuse to abandon technique work, I worked on sharpening a few strokes over the course of the session.

Thursday, 5th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 5th February 2015 - Endurance Swim Session

Thursday, 5th February 2015 – Endurance Swim Session
Warm Up
200m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m front crawl kick, 25m Front crawl on 20s rest
200m Front crawl
2x 50m As 25m front scull, 25m Front crawl on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – building
2x 50m As 25m doggy paddle, 25m Front crawl on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – building
Main Set
3x 300m Front crawl – pull at ankles on 45s rest
200m Front crawl – building on 30s rest
Main Set 2
3x 200m Front crawl – pull on 20s rest
100m Front crawl – pull on 10s rest
Cool Down
2x 50m As 25m front crawl kick, 25m front crawl on 20s
200m Choice
2,700m – 3,600m

The final session of the week opened with a little bit of catch work and then focussed on endurance and strength with a lot of pull work through the two main sets.

More Triathlon Swim Sessions
