Ironman Mont-Tremblant 2017: Age Group Results and Kona Qualification
On to the final race from the weekend – Ironman Mont-Tremblant. We had a field size of around 2,000 – down on previous years – and the standard Kona slot allocation of 40 slots. Results at this sixth running of the event were marginally slower than normal.
All the distributions from this year’s results are very slightly slower than the amalgamated data of previous years. These aren’t hugely significant changes, in the order of a few minutes at each stage and no more than 10 minutes to overall times.
Focussing on bike and run DNF numbers, this year’s race is typical of the course. It’s hard to be certain if previous results have clean swim DNF numbers or not for a proper comparison, but beyond that there’s nothing unusual in these numbers for Mont-Tremblant.
Comparing age group medians shows how small the differences in splits are. There’s quite a lot of variation among the age groups and no trend present. This year’s race may have come out slightly slower, but the margin is small and this doesn’t apply to every age group.
The race is very much dominated by North American athletes. A lone Martinique athlete may also have been able to claim a slot.
Tracking age group times across a range of positions again shows no clear trend. For some of the larger age groups changes in times are small and vary with position. There is a mix of age groups that were slower this year and some that were faster. These minor changes reflect natural variation in results form year-to-year.
Based on the start list I’ve estimated the allocation of slots at Mont-Tremblant. From these numbers I’ve calculated the automatic qualifying times for each age group. Numbers may vary and roll down will affect final qualification times. For more qualification data check out my Kona qualification page.
There’s a lot of variation in performances in the age group top twenties. In some instances we have some fast times – M30-34 and M35-39 both set fast qualifying times. In others, like M25-29 or F35-39, we see much slower times than average. So as with the other charts lots of variation and no clear shift in performances one way or the other.
You can access a spreadsheet of the full results from Ironman Mont-Tremblant 2017 on my Google Drive.