Night after Epic Camp

Back home, unpacked with the exception of the bike which I’ve yet to muster the energy to assemble. I’ve put a long, more detailed post on Epic Camp up on the Team blog. I’m not going to repeat myself here, so you’ll have to go over there to see the details.

Running late

That’s me doing the final hill run of the camp driven on by the adrenaline of realising your watch is wrong and you’re running late. That’ll be one of many memories of the camp, my goal of completing all the workouts nearly stopped by a dodgy watch. My recommendation to Polar would be to stop the watch changing time zone if you hold down a button for 2 seconds. I can do that by accident riding the bike.

After a week clocking up over 50 hours of training I’m pretty tired so this won’t be a long post. I’m returning to reality, finding out what happened in the world outside of swim/bike/run. It’s a bit of an anti-climax to come back and return to work, but I remind myself there’s only 6 weeks to go and I’m a full time athlete. I’ve spent the past week following a daily schedule of swim training, running and biking, all day, every day. It was almost odd to get up this morning and not have to go out for a 50 minute run or a 3k swim.

The next week is all about recovery, letting my body take on board the effect of so much time training and shift the cold that’s plagued the last week. Then a final bit of training before I taper down for Switzerland. Having worked hard under such levels of fatigued and held my own I’m feeling more confident about my prospects. Hopefully this will all translate into a new PB and maybe that Hawaii Slot.
