
Kona Diaries 2010 – Day 12 – The Calm Before the Storm

Kona Diaries 2010 – Day 12 – The Calm Before the Storm

There was an odd sense of calm as we went to the pier this morning. Despite an early start and anxiety dreams I was in a good mood. None of us were too fussed what we did for a swim as long as we got wet. The Coffees of Hawaii boat was pulling into place […]

PMC 2010 Ironman Hawaii

Analytical Triathlon Training Part 5: Moments from my Performance Management Chart

The best way to appreciate the Performance Management Chart (PMC) is through examples. To back up my last post on the PMC I’ve picked a few periods from previous years. I’ve tried to choose both good and bad so you can see some of the patterns to look for in your charts. As with many […]

Performance Management Chart

Analytical Triathlon Training Part 4: the Performance Management Chart

Benchmarks like power, pace or heart rate offer means to guide training. Expanding that with TSS enables an athlete to make general assessments on the impact of each session. The real power comes when you start to consider the long term affects of training. Whilst there are other versions I use WKO+‘s Performance Management Chart […]

Sub 10 Hour Ironman Training and Racing Pace

Sub 10 Hour Ironman Training and Racing Pace

I had a moment of inspiration out on my long ride yesterday. Following further discussion of what’s required to go sub 10 at Ironman I was considering issues of pacing. What are the paces needed to manage sub 10 and how they relate to training paces. The apparent disconnect between pace during training and those […]

Sub 10 Hour Ironman Training

Ten hours seems to be the Ironman equivalent of the three hour marathon. Just as my first major goal in distance running was to break three hours (Taunton 2005) when I moved on to Ironman ten hours was there in my mind. As barriers they represent an attainable point of performance for the dedicated athlete. […]

Planning the 2011 Race Season

Planning the 2011 Race Season

Planning the next season is a lot like Christmas it seems to start earlier every year. I was definitely chatting about plans for mine back in April and May. Those of us targeting Ironman branded events haven’t much choice when most fill in a day. I spent an evening in La Santa waiting for Ironman […]

Ironman Recovery

Ironman Recovery

The final part of a good Ironman race plan is the recovery. I’ll admit that I don’t always practiced what I’m about to preach. Strategies have ranged from weeks of inactivity and heavy eating to daily cycling and careful dieting. I’d recommend finding a middle ground as a far more sensible and reliable approach. Race […]

Strategy and Mentality for Endurance Racing

Strategy and Mentality for Endurance Racing

I think the concept of strategy in an Ironman or other endurance event can be misleading. For the vast majority in long distance events the main challenge is possessing the mental toughness to give the performance their body is capable of. Strategy in an Ironman exists at the very front of the field amongst the […]

Mental Preparation for Endurance Racing

Mental Preparation for Endurance Racing

As far as I’m concerned preparation for a race begins the minute you click the Submit button on the entry form. From that point on everything you do is working towards the race for better or worse. When I paid for entry to Ironman Austria 2011 last week I was taking the first step towards […]

Rebuilding my Run

Rebuilding my Run

Today has been tough finishing with a 10km run over a hilly route out of La Santa. I could just about hold a 4:45 minute per kilometre pace. Whilst this is hardly PB territory and might make you wonder why I’d be writing about rebuilding my run when I was struggling to keep my friend […]