
Justifications Part One – The Big Picture

Justifications Part One – The Big Picture

Starting a blog and creating some kind of public profile means anybody can find out about me. I don’t know the impression people come away with, hopefully positive. Recently chatting on a coffee stop revealed that prior to Epic Camp Steven had expected me to be totally different. In fact from what he said the […]

In Sickness and in Health

In Sickness and in Health

At the start of the week I scribbled out a rough training plan, totted up the hours then put a couple of exclamation marks after them when it came to 45!! One week later (and yes late with a post again) and my Sunday has become a Beach Day sans beach of course. I missed […]

Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Firstly, above everything else I’m pleased to say I’m walking normally again! I rebuilt my bike and am optimistic that this weekend I’ll be able to sit on it again. The long rides might have to wait till the next week, but it’s a start. Aside from this I’m frustrated. Frustrated because I can’t get […]

A Week Off

A Week Off

A month or two ago I quite optimistically commented that after Ironman Australia I planned to practice the active recovery approach I’ll need later this year. Actually maybe I commented on this to someone in person rather than here, I can’t remember. With Quelle Challenge Roth and Ironman UK in the schedule and only 3 […]

It Might Just Work!

It Might Just Work!

The last time I posted something, almost an entire week ago, I was clearly a little rattled. It took one day to get back on track. Typical after I post about poor motivation, poor performance and the little doubts in the back of my mind! Thankfully the weekend and most of this week has bolstered […]

The Black Arts of Training

The Black Arts of Training

I’ve just completed a plan for my Ironman Western Australia taper. So I think a post on the difficulties involved in planning and executing training is pretty appropriate. Sorry for those who read for non-training stuff, I’m only back a day from Port and I didn’t stop off to get a picture of the giant […]

Off to Oz: the Aims and Objectives

Off to Oz: the Aims and Objectives

Part 2 of sorts, though relying that by starting two posts with the title ‘Off to Oz’ I can pass it off as a kind of series. The reality is I’ve not been too motivated this week and training has been very light. I’m too focussed on the trip ahead and making sure everything is […]

Mind Games

Mind Games

Fourth day as an athlete and you know I have a lot of time on my hands… Today is an easier day because knocking out 12 hours of training in 3 days after 2 weeks away (however active and strenuous that was) is taking its toll. By easier I mean somewhere around 3 hours of […]

Life as an athlete

Life as an athlete

My first day as an athlete is done. What was it like? Pretty good actually. OK it’s just the first day and not entirely typical of things to come, but still I’m liking it more than real work! I opted for a bit of a lie in, getting up at 8am. Then first things first, […]