Two Weeks to Ironman Lanzarote

Latest statistics for Ironman Lanzarote

May the nineteenth. Ironman Lanzarote. It’s been marked in my calendar for a year. How has this happened? How have I reached the taper with nothing to taper from, with only the basics of fitness and none of the peak that goes into a race. Here I am, less than a fortnight till race day and twice as far from race shape. Anxiety dreams aside I don’t doubt my ability to finish, just my ability to do so to past standards. Expectations are low.

It’s no surprise. After all, earlier this year I made the decision to train for pleasure and as a consequence my fitness is where it deserves to be. I have done a fraction of the cycling I would normally do, a minimum of swimming and only made any form of progress with running. Whether I look at it in hours or draw up more complicated charts simply stated – I am unprepared.

So forget the taper – recovery requires fatigue. It’s better for me to continue training, keep practicing and developing the limited fitness I have. I am unlikely to do enough in the next two weeks to significantly impact the result in either direction, but I can at least bolster my confidence. I’m going to line up behind the start line, memories of watching last year’s swim start in my mind, hoping that four years experience and training is enough to bluff my way through the subsequent 141 miles. If it’s not I am in for a very rough day.

Latest statistics for Ironman Lanzarote
