This Wednesday the GSK Human Performance Lab are holding a 30 minute Google Hangout with the Brownlee brothers. It’s open to anyone to watch, or to submit a question (you can submit questions here), but they’ve invited me – as an ‘influential’ blogger apparently – to join the Hangout and ask a couple of questions. I figured, why not? It’s much better than the offers I usually receive.
Only thing is – apart from my dislike of appearing in video – I need to come up with some good questions, fast. The obvious topic for me would be their intentions or plans to race longer distances later in their career (despite the pay cut involved), or something on the theme of how/when/if they measure their performance in training. I’ve got until the end of today to submit my questions (they are being vetted) and I’m open to suggestions in that time.
If you want to watch, the Hangout takes place 13:00-13:30 this Wednesday (10 September), you can find out more information here.