The 2015 Lanzarote Training Camps Begin

The 2015 Lanzarote Triathlon Training Camps are about to begin - I'm in the lobby waiting for my athletes.

Once again I’m sat in the lobby of Sands Beach waiting for athletes to arrive – one has so far – for my annual Lanzarote training camps. Two weeks of considerable amounts of swim, bike and run. After 3 years organising the camps I know the routine well, but I’m not sure I feel ready for it!

Sands Beach Resort Pool

A lot of my week will be spent by the side of this pool, not least because my room is right by it. I’ve added the additional challenge of trying to also spend at least 30 minutes in it; that may not sound like much, but I can’t actually remember the last time I swam. Squeezing that in, ideally without all my athletes watching my stroke, may prove difficult. Still, I’d like to return home with a bit more swim fitness.

Of course the main deal is making sure the athletes go home with a bit more fitness. And alongside that a bit more motivation, plus some pointers on their own swim. We’ll kick that off tomorrow with an afternoon swim analysis – filming each athlete and reviewing their technique.

As with previous years I’ll be blogging daily with a few updates, photos and swim sets from camp. You’ll find them posted here (along with previous year’s updates). I’ll also be uploaded photos to my Coaching page on Facebook (feel free to Like that page to, it could use a few more).

It’s going to be a busy – and fun – couple of weeks.
