Ironman Analysis
Thirty Days of Running, Thirty Days On
The aftermath of thirty days of running – finally some run fitness. But it’s only the start.
Training Patterns
A pictorial representation of the patterns and routines of my training over the last few years. A simpler graphical approach than some of my previous charts.
Attempting to Tame Training Zones
To clarify my own thoughts as much as advise my athletes I developed a (very) rough guide to how different levels of intensity and differing means of measuring them align.
The Trouble with Training Zones
I’ve long been convinced that training zones were designed to make me feel inadequate – I’m working hard, it’s not very comfortable, but apparently it’s ‘easy’, or worse I’m ‘recovering’.
How to Plan a Season Using the Performance Management Chart
This is it for planning, the bike is now done. The tools and how to for building performance management charts in a spreadsheet and using them to plan training.
An Overview of Season Planning using the Performance Management Chart
I suffer from an allergic reaction to strict training schedules, so shaping my season in the Performance Management Chart may give me the flexibility I need.
A Look at How I’ve Run During One Year of Ironman Training
Following on from how I cycle, I consider how I run; looking at cadence, heart rate and pace data from the last year of run training.
A Look At How I’ve Cycled During Four Years of Ironman Training
How does my cycle cadence relate to my power output and performance? And what can four years of cycling data tell me about how I ride?
A Look at Four Years of Ironman Bike Training
Analysis of cycling data is a staple of this site, so having condensed four years of run data into a single chart I inevitably turned my attention to the bike.
A Look at Four Years of Ironman Run Training
It was an innocent enough idea, struck by the speed with which I was regaining my run legs and having recently updated my training diary to include the missing six months of data, I wondered – what could it show me? I hadn’t anticipate the hours I’d lose sifting through my logs, trying different charts […]